Leaders and managers empower teams by teaching about self-responsibility and processes for creating, improving, and distributing products and services. Team members are encouraged to think about how work in the organization gets done and the best way to do it.
As practitioners of the principles of human relationships, effective leaders also build strategic alliances with people outside the organization. With good communication skills, they form relationships with clients, the public, suppliers, vendors, and many others who influence the success of the organization. To bring out the best in others, leaders treat all people with dignity and respect.
Because they’re concerned with productivity, efficiency, and profitability, effective leaders focus on achieving results. They make decisions and judgments that affect the lives and destinies of other people. In their pursuit of goals that are greater than one individual, or even a small group of individuals, effective leaders build genuine relationships with people.
Although work environments, products, and services differ widely among organizations and work groups, the responsibilities of any manager at any level generally fall into four areas: planning, organizing, leading, and monitoring organizational resources. So, the overall goals of any leader are basically similar. Effective leaders impart vision, set direction, and clarify expectations with their team members. Effective leaders manage the work environment rather than the daily routine. They make decisions, delegate authority, and encourage others by creating a sense of shared responsibility.
When effective leaders help formulate the goals of their department or work group, they communicate challenges and opportunities to their team members. Depending on their own position of authority, effective leaders also serve as spokespersons or liaisons among various individuals and groups in the organization – first-line workers, middle managers, executives, shareholders, and, in the case of not for-profit organizations, the volunteers and contributors.
In general, leaders earn their position because they demonstrate to some degree some of the following leadership abilities:
• They have what it takes to be a team player. They demonstrate the ability to listen, to accept responsibility, and to cooperate and communicate with others to accomplish the goals of the work group. Their attitude displays a genuine respect for others and the recognition of the importance of following as well as leading. They can follow instructions; this ability is a starting point for learning how to instruct and guide others.
• They’re organized and can help others organize their activities. They demonstrate a high degree of job knowledge, competence, and practical judgment, or “common sense.” They’re able to set priorities and discipline themselves to put first things first. They demonstrate their ability to encourage others to participate constructively in getting the work done.
• They succeed even if needed instructions or materials are not readily available. They figure out how to get the work done even when the procedure isn’t obvious or clear. They solve problems even when unexpected obstacles arise. They’re resourceful and creative. They’re flexible and can make changes when the situation requires them.
• They’re motivated and enthusiastic about their work. They’re optimistic and exercise initiative. They like what they do and enjoy the challenge of responsibility. Getting the work done well and on time is important to them and provides a great deal of satisfaction.
• They achieve results. They focus their energy on the goals and priorities that produce the highest payoff for their organization. Their commitment to achieving tangible results creates persistence. They set a positive example of consistently pursuing the results necessary for their organization to survive, grow, and succeed.
• They’re a leader. In every assignment they’re given, they set a positive tone and pace for the work climate. By their example, they instill in others the desire to do their best. They fill a position of leadership by empowering others to assume responsibility on the work team.
How far you advance in your career is limited only by your commitment and enthusiasm, your desire to learn and improve, and your willingness to make the adjustments and changes that can accelerate your career development. Psychologists say that few people ever use more than 15-25 percent of their potential. In fact, the biggest room in any organization is the “room for improvement.”
Curated by Bizwiz Learning, Source LMI
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